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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cozy saturday

I went out this morning for the one hour run that coach had put on the schedule for me. After the husband videotaped my running and we sent it over to Liz, she gave me some feedback and some technique advice. I had every intention of putting it into practice on my trail run. So I went for it. It was more difficult that I thought. Re-teaching your body how to run is no easy task and it does require a lot of concentration. Making sure you step the right way, pushing off purposefuly, avoiding arm crossover. That seems like a lot, doesn't it?? All of that while trying to keep your HR at a decent level...

The trail run was nice; except for one minor detail. The temperature was sub freezing! And my knees felt it, a lot. So, instead of running for an hour I decided to cut the run short to spare my knees some pain. Liz mentioned that the next 2 weeks are BIG training blocks, and I want to make sure I am in tip-top shape to perform at my best.

After the run, I drank my recovery drink and went off to run a couple of errands before the husband left to go golfing. I hit my favorite bakery (Great Harvest Bread), got some bread and then proceeded to go to the 50 dollar store (Target... it seems that every time we go there we spend a lot more money than we intended). I got there, grabbed the things I came looking for and as I am opening my wallet realized: SHIT! I forgot my card at the bread shop. I called them and luckily it was still there; so I hightailed back (in the opposite direction I needed to go to get home) and got my card.

When I got home I had already made the husband 20 minutes late; so pretty much as soon as I walked in the door, he left. Showered, made coffee and now I am here; sitting down in my PJ's covered with a blanket and wearing my "fluffy socks" as Megan calls them.

This week was extremely weird. It was rest week, and i felt completely flat; exhausted and with absolutely NOTHING in my legs to get my anywhere. My eating has been good, so I did not understand what was up. Until yesterday; when I realized I had gotten my monthly visitor (sorry if tmi). I was not expecting it until wednesday! Sometimes I think it is stupid how the body gets so drained from doing something that it is supposed to do every single month. Know what I mean??

The husband came back from his trip on thursday evening. Megan and I were very glad to see him. Friday morning was going along just fine when I got a call from Daycare that megan had been crying all morning, complaining of a sore throat and an achy stomach. There had been some cases of strep at the school, so I thought it was prudent to make a doctor's appointment to get the munchkin checked out. The husband took her and it turns out she has "walking pneumonia". The doctor assured us it is not as bad as the name makes it sound. Some antibiotics and it should go away. I do feel a bit responsible about it though. After all, I missed the signs. Fever, phlemy cough, loss of appetite. I trully thought it was just a cold. I guess it is not "just a cold" if there is fever. If I had acted sooner she would be better by now, and that makes me feel responsible (and a bit of a bad mom). Lesson learned, next time (which will hopefully be a long time from now) I will know to act when the fever presents itself.

This afternoon, we are just chillin'. Enjoying the last 2 days of rest week. Some more coffee is in order, maybe a movie or two, a cozy blanket and a big dose of family time. Can't wait.


  1. I had to laugh...I'm on rest week too, and I was reading that paragraph going "Yeah! Yeah, me too! ... Oh. Hm, not so much that part.". :)

  2. Oh I SOOOO knew where you were going with that. The week after tri camp was a rest week, I knew I had trained hard but I could *not* figure out though why I was SO dead tired, sagging, feeling like crap - until Wednesday of that week when - yup - surprise, surprise, it all made sense. Get some rest this weekend so you are ready for big weeks ahead! :)

  3. Rest weeks are like that sometimes. Your body is just yuk and you are like, "This is a rest week?" LOL... It will pay off!!

    Most peeps wait a couple of days, even when a child is running a fever just to make sure it's not the flu, ya know? Any temp at or over 104 means get them to the doctor now! Other than that, nothing inherently wrong with waiting a bit. Glad Megan is on the way to recovery!

  4. Yeah, rest weeks are weird, aren't they? Hope Megan is feeling better and you have 2 solid weeks of good training!!! :)

  5. Danni, please email me at laurel.davidge{at} please. I still have the shirt that races and missed sending it on to Tennessee,so you are next and you'll need it SOON! Thanks,

