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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lake Logan Olympic RR

After a whole bunch of back and forth, I finally convinced Todd that he and Megan needed to come to the race with me. He has been traveling much during the week so we do not have a lot of time to spend as "family". This was a great opportunity for all of us to be together and for Megan to see me race for the first time.

We left on friday at about 1:30 pm. It was a 3 hour drive to Canton, NC. We got on the road, and decided we needed lunch. Todd and I had not had anything to eat since breakfast and were starving. So we made a quick stop and then got back on the road. About 25 minutes into the drive, Megan fell asleep for her usual afternoon nap. Wonderful :) The drive there was pretty uneventful. We got to packet pickup at about 5 pm, grabbed my stuff and headed to the hotel. Dropped the gear off and we went to check the race site.

The place was beautiful. The lake/creek was about 6 feet low from normal levels, but it was still gorgeous. As we are driving around checking the transition area and such I look out the window and spot a familiar face.... It was Ashley! I got off the car and introduced myself. She is friends with Coach, and is one fast tri-chica. She was camping at the race site with her sister and some friends. We chatted for a bit, she gave me a short scoop of what to expect the next day and then the family and I headed back to get some dinner.

By the time we arrived back into town it was almost 8 pm and we were pretty hungry. We decided to go to a steakhouse. The wait was about 30 minutes. We put our name on the list and head outside to wait. About 15 minutes later Todd goes in to check where we are on the list, and we are told that someone answered to our name. NOT COOL. The staff was accommodating and they gave us a table right away. We ate some decent dinner and headed to the hotel to get some zzz in. That said, I was NOT able to sleep. Kept waking up every 2 hours.

The morning comes, I get ready eat my bagel with PB, make my bottles of Heed and off we go. We get to the site at about 6 am. Park, get my stuff out of the car and off we go so I can set up transition. As I am racking my bike I hear someone say: "Hey Danni"... It was Wes, he was on the rack right next to mine with DeeDee! It was great meeting some more fellow bloggers. I finish unpacking my tri bag and get this feeling like I am forgetting something. Go over everything and it all looks good, so off I go to get body marked and pick up my chip. Megan decides to tag along for this task and she ends up scoring a cute pink bracelet (a chip strap). She wants to get body marked too, but I had to say no... Almost thought it would be cute for her to have a smiley face on her calf; but decide against it at the last minute.

After Todd helps me apply sunscreen it is time for me to go potty. I always get nervous before the race if you catch my drift :) There is a huge line at the port-a-potties by transition so I decide I will go to the swim start and use those potties. Only problem is that swim start/finish is about 1/2 mile away.. yeah, do to the lake being low they had to move the swim about 1/2 mile down the road. I kiss the family goodbye and head my merry way.

I get to the swim start, do my business ;) and head to the water. I put on my wetsuit and realize I had forgotten to put on body glide on my neck. Luckily for me Wes and DeeDee were there and they had suit juice for me to put on. Thanks guys! I wave them goodbye and I get in the water to warm up. 

I had forgotten how buoyant the wetsuit made me feel and after a few strokes I know I am going to have a great swim. I get out of the water and wait until it is time for my wave to start.
I was in the 4th wave. It was an in water start, so we treaded water for a good 3 minutes before the horn went off. I started swimming as I heard the horn and tried really hard not to panic, but I was not very successful. I don't know why I get this feeling like I am not able to breathe, it feels like my breathing accelerates itself and no matter how many times I try to control it, it just gets worse. So, I end up side stroking more than I would have liked. I manage to get out of the water in under 40 minutes; which was my goal, but I am frustrated by the lousy swim.

Due to the low level of the lake, they had set up a small transition area right out of the water to hold the shoes you would put on to run to T1. I get off my wetsuit, slide my running shoes and start running. I tried to focus on keeping my breathing regulated, my HR in check and not stepping on any pot holes. I get to the "main" transition area, slip off my running shoes; get my bike gear on and realize I had forgotten to unpack my sunglasses. I KNEW there was something missing when I set up. I had to reach into my bag and grab those suckers. Because of the LOOOONG run to T1 from the water I had a T1 time of over 9 minutes. 

As I am getting in/out of T1 I see Todd and Megan and they are yelling for me: "Go mommy go, go mommy go!!!" I make sure I smile each time I see them and also give Megan a thumbs up :) LOVED having my girl and hubby there (they make me want to go faster so I can see them quicker).

The bike was awesome! After mounting the bike, you went about 100 yards and there was one of the 2 big climbs for the course. I manage that challenge really well. Stay on the saddle the whole time. After that climb came the downhill, it looked pretty steep and I got chicken sh!t. Oh well. Better luck next time. 

The course was wonderfully flat; with some minor climbs to keep your legs working a bit. I felt strong the entire time and was able to stay aero for most of the ride. I passed some folks, mostly girls, a few guys and then there was THD (tall hairy dude). Each time I yelled, "on your left" and tried to make a move on him, he would speed up; only to fade about 45 seconds later. If I tried to pass him, while he was behind someone, he would try to pass the person in front of him. He pissed me off. He finally stretched the gap in between us, on some downhill; since I am scared of losing control of my bike. I decided to focus on my race and leave him be. I am killing this bike ride, minding my business, getting the best our of my effort; and then I see him in the distance. THD was about 100 yards in front of me. I am pedaling hard, pushing the big ring and closing in. He is riding far to his right, so I decide NOT to yell my passing attempt this time. I effortlessly go by him and think to myself: You got Chicked! :) Wouldn't you know it? He picks up and passes me. Oh really? I pick up again and pass him, once more: THD you got chicked, twice! I am feeling good. I push it, hard. Get to the 20 mile marker and know that I am almost home. My legs are feeling great, my Hr is keeping nicely but my stomach is complaining. The PB bagel I had for breakfast didn't digest very well... I could taste it (yuck).

Around mile 23 you hit the second big climb of the course, I fought the urge to get of the bike and walk. Powered up, got through it and as I am going downhill, THD passes me and I could see the smile of satisfaction on his face. Me? I thought, you need a DOWNhill to pass me dude... I would not be proud of that :)

T2 goes without a hitch. I think it was one of my fastest of the season. Once again I see Megan and Todd yelling at me. Thumbs up and back to work.

The first 5k of this run was uphill, my calves could feel it (so did my stomach). My legs feel heavy and it seems like I am going nowhere. I sing in my head, walk the water stops, take a sip of water and keep running. As I am in between miles 2 & 3, I see Wes. He yells at me and I don't even remember what I said. It did make me smile. When I reach the turnaround it is amazing how much easier it felt to run. My calves were still on fire but I try to pick up the pace, only to be shut down by my "breakfast threat" once again (note to self: no more PB bagel for breakfast on race morning). I settle into a comfortably hard pace and cruise my way in to the finish. 
As I am running the last .2 miles I see Megan and Todd in the distance cheering me on. I give them the thumbs up again and smile big. Cross the finish line, get my chip removed and walk to the side. Megan and Todd come over. She wants to give me a hug, but I tell her I am all sweaty and wet; so we settle down for a kiss. She proceeds to tell me: You won mommy. All I can do is smile. 

In my own little way, I did win. I had 15 minute PR, even with the long run up to T1. I managed to run with my stomach issues; which is something that would have made me walk before. I met some fellow bloggers. And I made my husband and daughter proud. 

I mean, what else could I ask for, right?


  1. What a GREAT race for you!!! Hot dam you are improving all the time, getting stronger and faster. 15 minute PR -- WOOT!!!

    And what a marvelous example you are setting for Megan -- of course You Won!


  2. Fantastic job! Sounds like you had a really terrific race. Isn't is SO nice when the family is there cheering? Nice work!

  3. Sounds like a great race all around. Congrats on the PR

  4. That's an awesome race report! I love that your husband and Megan could be there for you!

  5. I agree with Stef. You SO won :-) Megan is such a cutie!! Great job on the PR! I missed mine by like a minute or so. Stupid lake!! LOL!!!

    I wouldn't sweat the swim start. I've just now gotten over my anxiety, after almost two years. You are still getting it done out there! I need to work harder on actually racing the swim though!

    I'm looking forward to seeing you, Todd, and Megan in South Carolina! Bring on the half, baby!! Woot!!! :-)

  6. What an awesome race! Great job on your PR!!! I'm so glad you had a chance to meet Wes and Dee Dee. Nice job!
