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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Buddies and workouts

Sunday morning and I sit here with my daughter the early riser. Now, I can understand the need for me to get up at 6 am to eat breakfast 2 hours prior to my 2 hour brick; but her?? She was up at 6:30. Ready to kick start her day with some hot milk and a waffle.

I had every intention of doing my brick yesterday but I woke up with a fairly bad migraine. I took over the counter medicine for it right away, but it did not help. After a couple of hours it had gotten so bad that I went to bed and took the prescription medicine. I try to stay away from it. I am not a fan of ingesting drugs if it can be avoided; but I do not think I had an option yesterday.

After laying down with my eyes closed for what seemed an eternity, the migraine finally started to subside. What a relief!!! Unfortunately it was already 4 PM and my body was wiped out! I took the rest of the day easier and after emailing coach I postponed the workout until today.

This past week was interesting to say the least. Work was hectic, busy and gave me my fair share of headaches; the weather was crazy (we even got snowed/iced in one day); and the workouts were pretty intense.

At work, since the merger is complete we were assigned a person from Corporate Finance to help us navigate throught the systems and such. They call this person our "buddy". Well, I am going to say that the word is indeed small. Of all the people up in corporate finance, i get paired with a guy, who not only is extremely helpful and patient; but who also likes soccer, my favorite sport to watch (he is also a fan of my Argentine Team); loves running and shares my sense of humor.

We work together quite well, share some jokes, talk smack and get the job done. Our small firm has been so focused on all the things we are having to do differently since the merger that most of the people have forgotten that the company that acquired us is working quite hard at making us feel comfortable as well. And we are a tough crowd to please. I have sat on countless conference calls where the air can be cut with a knife and the people are mostly on edge looking for ways to "attack" the other side. I have been that way for quite a while; but lately have been trying to cut people slack and put myself in their shoes. So I have been making a point of giving credit to people where credit is due. Since my "buddy" helped me tremendously I made sure that his boss knew how pleased I was with his help. It is only fair.

Training has been going well. I have managed to pretty much get ALL my sessions in; with the exception of one strength training routine, which might get squeezed in today while Megan takes her nap. Most of them have been indoors,, not only because it has been pretty cold outside, but also because I am making a point about staying safe. I do not want to run by myself outside at 5 am when it is dark and there is no one near by. The other night I went for a run after work, and it was starting to get dark; so even though I was in a very transited area I ran with my pepper spray in had; sans music.

We have started base training, so long runs have started, along with long bike rides and countless yards at the pool. The swimming is coming along, I think I might have discovered how to properly swim (yes it took me only 4 years ;-) ); and I will be working on that in the coming weeks. Next week I have a long swim that calls for 2x1000 continuous.... Should be interesting.

I have always loved biking, so I have no problem with spending time in the saddle. Even if it is indoors. Husband bought me the complete series of one of my favorite short lived Vampire shows and I have been watching those episodes each time I get on my bike. The new Tacx computer has proved to be awesome, the feedback I get from it is fantastic and it also offers much more resistance than my regular trainer; which makes more even more entertaining training sessions.

I think my running legs are finally starting to come back. I still feel slow, but as the year progresses and the sun starts coming out earlier and earlier, I will be able to run outside more and more; and that is the key to improve my running (I don't do as good on the 'mill).

So after a rough couple of weeks, I think I am finally able to gather myself, lift my head up and look ahead. For the next few weeks the road looks promising and challenging and I can't wait to get started.


  1. I'm glad you got paired with somebody you like and is most helpful at work! That should take some of the edge off the stress :-)

    The training is going awesome! More than anything else, consistency will get you across the line, much more than speed or any individual session.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Glad things are going well at work, it is a struggle for many of us these days to "hang in there" with all the crap going on - isn't tri training the greatest stress reliever?
