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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

On Family

If you didn’t know, I am from another country. Another continent at that. My entire family; mother, father, brothers, nieces and nephews; have stayed in my home country.
I very rarely get to see them. Once a year if I am lucky. Traveling to South America is expensive and exhausting. When we take vacation there I often find myself more tired when I get back than when I left. We have to visit a whole bunch of people and try to spend as much time with each one of those people as we can. You also have to be ON all the time and make sure you do not hurt anybody’s feelings. It is a tough task I tell you.

It was my decision to basically pick up and leave the comforts of all I had known for 26 years. My home town, the comfort of my parents’ house, my friends, my family. I grew closer to my parents because of the distance. Ironic isn’t it? I think that after I moved, my dad stopped seeing me as a child, and more like an adult. I think they finally realized that I had grown up; that I had become a woman. And that it was time for me to go and find MY path.

I had to move 10,000 miles away to figure out my parents were not crazy after all. That they had raised me to the best of their ability, and I think they did a damn good job. And today I am proud for being their daugher, and find myself implementing some of the same parenting “techniques” they used with us.

And I miss them. Terribly. I ache every time Megan “discovers” something new and I can’t share it with them. I also wish they could come and see me race; see how far I have come on this sport. You see? I was a couch potato back then. I would not even walk a block; and now look at me. Multisport; and even thinking about doing an Ironman. My mom tells me that when she talks to her friends and tells them of all the races I do people are often amazed “Daniela, really??” they say.

So I guess today is one of those days where I wish they were here with me. Just to give them hugs, and share a meal at the dinner table like we did every night.

To my mom and dad: LOVE YOU GUYS! You are the best EVER!


  1. Cool post! It's neat to know more about you. What country? How long have you been in the U.S.?

  2. It is amazing how much we miss people/things once we leave. Very cool!! Your family looks great! Jen H.

  3. It's hard enough for me just to go home to Alabama to see my family :-) Geeesh!! You are so right. Moving away has some sort of magical eye opening affect on both sides of the relationship!

    I'm looking forward to meeting you this weekend!! Rock the house!!
