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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week recap

Let me start by saying I can't believe tomorrow is the beginning of September... Where has the year gone???
This week has been a good one. I got all of my training sessions done, with a certain degree of success, and some disappointments too.
I swam the longest I have ever swam in one session at the pool. A whopping 3100 yds. Now, that is impressive for me, the non swimmer :) I discovered some things that I was (well am) doing wrong with my stroke and vowed to fix them during the off season. Trying to fix them now would be stupid, since my big race is only 4 weeks away (yikes) and the "new" stroke is something I am not used to and my endurance is non existent when I try to use it. For my mind's sake I have decided I would swim my regular slow way until after the race :)
I also went on a long ride yesterday (3 hours). I practiced my nutrition plan and I thought I had done pretty well. I drank 4 bottles of fluid (3 of them heed), ate like a champ, and even took in my salt tablets. I covered a decent distance (50 miles), and felt that come race day I would be able to go faster. I also tried a new saddle and to my surprise my "parts" were not as sore as with my previous one.
After the bike I had a 25 minute run in zones 2-3. My legs felt good, I felt I had a good amount of energy. My stomach felt a bit full, I thought I definitely took in enough fluids; and then disaster stroke. I started getting chills... In case you don't know, chills are a sign of dehydration. Dehydration?? I took in a ton of fluid, my stomach told me I could not have taken in any more. And that worries me. Why? Because I do NOT want to get dehydrated during the race. I have heard it tends to get pretty hot on that course, especially on the run; as there are some really long patches without shade.
I talked to coach about the ride and run, and after asking me about my food and drink  intake she suggested I need more sodium. So... I am off to trying a different sports drink. Heed only has 39 mg per scoop and apparently that is not enough for this body. I loved the almost bland taste of it, it resembles water a lot and it is sooo easy to drink. I am a bit disappointed that it won't work for me, at least during the hot summer sessions (I am not giving it up altogether).
After this discovery I headed to REI to pick up some samples from other drinks, and I came back with GU2O, Luna electrolyte drink and Cytomax. They all have at least 190 mg of sodium per serving, which knocks off the boots of Heed in a jiffy. Can't wait to try them and see what they do for me. Hopefully I will find the solution quickly.
Today I am glued to the computer following IMKY and cheering for Katie, Bree and Eileen. 
Hope you all have a great Labor day weekend!


  1. Awesome job on the swim! Smart move not changing anything at this date as well. It's always fun working hard to improve!! Save it for next year!!

    Yea, I only drank, um, 104 oz of fluids on my 7 hour ride today and I was SO dehydrated. Grrr!!! I rode my bike to the car, got my wallet, and rode up to the gas station to stock up. Didn't help :-( Are not the salt tablets helping you? I take in almost 500 mg of salt just in my food and sports drink. I can't imagine the salt tabs not making up the difference. More practice! (BTW, I found these really cool mixers from Power Gel that taste pretty good and go in water. It's some kind of electrolyte mix).

    Awesome job on the brick, and great training!

  2. Oh man - good luck figuring out the drink/food thingy.... I change what I eat and drink all the time otherwise I would be BORED! Let me know if you find any yummy flavors. I am a very heavy sweater - chalk white bike shorts kind of girl after workouts - unless I take both Endurolytes and Gu20 seems to work.

  3. I've been liking Gu2O lately. Sounds like the training is going well. I was glued to IMKY today too! My friend Selene won her AG and took home a Kona slot! Woo hoo!

  4. Nailing your nutrition is such a headache, isn't it?

    Just when you think you have it down, something happens and makes you second guess your plan - or toss it all out the window and start all over. Ugh!

    I'm trying out Accelerade and Pop Tarts for the next 70.3 (three weeks). So far it's going pretty well but we'll see if it agrees with me come race day. :)

  5. Great week for you Dani! And yes, I will be at IMFL cheering my husband on!! I am staying at the Days Inn on Beach front Blvd and I will have nothing on my agenda for a WEEK exceot hanging out at the beach and meeting up with bloggers!


    :-) Mary!
