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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Work, workouts and Mommy time!

I am so glad the work week is over! I cannot even begin to tell you how busy I have been this week. With year end closing, merger, audit and the whole nine yards; it was about time to get some time off! My boss let us leave early today and I took advantage of the extra time and headed to the pool.

I needed the time for myself. Adjusting to this new workout schedule has been harder than I thought. I think I am definitely a morning person, even though when the alarm goes off I just want to throw it out the window. My best "athletic moments" are in the morning; when I am not consumed by the worries of the workday and I also know that once I am done I get to relax and enjoy the rest of the day. It also gives me energy and helps me get through the day. I can't believe how tired I have been this week, and it is rest week!

I had my running test yesterday and it went very well. Coach said I have improved quite a bit. The self critic inside is still unsure of my performance. I did give it all I had, I just wish I had more to give. You know what I mean?

Todd is coming back home tonight and we will have the weekend to spend some time together. Megan keeps reminding me that "Daddy is still in Florida" and you can tell she misses him to pieces. Every time I pick her up from daycare she asks if daddy is home and when I say "No honey, he will be back thursday night" you can see the disappointment in her little eyes. 

We have had some good mommy/daughter time; we have enjoyed eating "brown pasta" (she loves the whole grain kind), veggies and grilled chicken. We have watched some favorite TV shows (ask me anything about Backyardigans or Phineas & Ferb and I will be able to answer your questions), read stories at night and also enjoyed the occasional sweet treat (PB cups and M&M's are some of the favorites). Today we might head to the pool when the sun goes down a bit; and I have planned for us to "splurge" with chicken nuggets and french fries.

It has been a tiring week, but a good week nonetheless. Let the weekend begin!


  1. What a cutie!

    Good for you for getting through a difficult week!

  2. What a sweet heart. I hope she enjoyed having daddy home this weekend :-)

  3. Sounds busy, but fun. Cute photo!!!!
