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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Change is here

I am still here. I am still training. I am still working. I just needed to collect my thoughts for a couple of days.

Change is upon me; both mentally and at work. The second one BIG time. Some things transpired within the last couple of days and I am now given the opportunity to show off my colors. If you are my friend on Facebook; you might have seen my status update: "Time to step up to the plate and hit some home runs. My chance to shine is here. Game on!" A lot of people thought it was racing related; not so much. It is 100% work related. Let's just say that I have been working hard with the hopes the "higher powers" would notice. And they did. It just came out of the left field; and now it is all me baby. And I am ready.

Training is going well. Last weekend I had an outstanding open water swim. For the first time in my Tri "life" I felt strong and confident in the open water. I got into a rhythm that I was able to sustain for the entire duration of the swim. I passed people... did you read that? I passed people. That does not happen often. I am usually a coward when it comes to swimming in the open water; but that did I didn't feel that way. The water was cold; and it was a bit shocking at first; but once I got used to it, it was just perfect. A common occurrence for me is to have to side stroke, to catch a breath. Well, I did not feel the need to do it even once. The only time I HAD to stop was because the rescue boats were blocking my way getting people out of the water. And you know what? I got a bit upset because they were preventing me from negative splitting the course; just like Coach wanted me to do. All in all, I think I chopped about 5 minutes from my one mile time compared to last year on the same "course". I call that improvement :)

As much as saturday was a high in regards to training; sunday was more of a letdown. I had a less than stellar bike ride; where I could not keep my HR in check and it became a matter of "just get through it". I was not able to hit any of my prescribed intervals and was sucky overall. It is funny how you go from an all high to a pretty low place. I wrote to Liz that things didn't go as planned and the ride sucked; to which she replied that it is patterns over time that matter. I would usually be upset about not being able to perform as expected; but not this time. I told Liz I was totally at peace with the workout. And I was.

I have been at peace with myself this week. And interestingly enough; I haven't had the best week ever. With all the ruckus at work, my head and my body are just exhausted.

Next week is my season opener. And this year I am going big. White Lake Half Ironman will be waiting for me next saturday. I am trying to eat even cleaner for the 2 weeks leading to race day, and I have not had a single piece of candy or added sugar since last saturday. My reward for the hard work? Hopefully a great race, and of course a special treat after the race.



  1. Lots of great news. Good luck next weekend at White Lake

  2. Congrats about the work recognition AND the OW swim success! Best of luck next weekend!

  3. No matter what else happens, finding that "I own this" feeling in the water is huge... and 5 minutes ain't too shabby either! Well done :-)

  4. Yay!!!! Good luck next weekend. :)

  5. Good luck this weekend Danni!
