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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I made a new best friend!!! Her name is Eleanor and she is a beauty....

Yes, I splurged and for mother's day  got a new Tri bike!!! I will post pictures later, but let me tell you I am so super excited about this new addition to my household. I can't wait to take her for a spin. Saturday won't come fast enough...
You might be wondering why I decided to name her Eleanor... Well, did you watch the movie Gone in 60 seconds? The one with Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie where they steal cars?? In that movie, there is ONE car that Nicolas Cage has always wanted to steal and he names it Eleanor. There is also a song by Low Millions called Eleanor that I LOVE, and when the tune came on Todd's ipod on the way to work, I just knew it. The name stuck with me and I could just picture my new friend every time I said the name (or thought about it)

I picked her out on monday, went to the store, rode on her for a bit and after talking to coach about wheel size (I am on a size 50 and it only comes with 650 wheels), I decided she was the one I wanted. I left the store that night with an appointment to get fitted on wednesday (today). This is going to sound super geeky and ridiculous, but I dreamt about my bike, and taking her for long rides. I could not wait! Finally today after work I drove myself to the Tri store as fast as I could (traffic was pretty sucky). My stomach was getting nervous like I was going to be on a race or something. Once I got there I changed into my tri-shorts, socks and bike shoes and got on the computrainer to get fitted. At first they did all the measurements and adjusted the seat and aerobars. We decided not to go super aggressive on the aero position until I get used to the bike; I want to familiarize myself with my friend since I have never had a tri-bike before and the riding position between my road bike with aerobars and the tri-bike is considerable different (not to mention the saddle... hello saddle sores!) 
And then it was time for the "real" test. They turned on the computrainer... Let my just say: HOLY SH*T. I loved the thing!!!!! it gives you such a realistic feel. Un-freaking-believable. Anyhow, they wanted to see what I looked like when I was really into pushing hard; so that they could gauge if I needed to be adjusted differently.  We decided not to for now.
I cannot tell you how excited I am about this. I have wanted a Tri bike for so long! And to top it all off, when i got to the store, I discovered that my in-laws had called in and got me a gift card! I have not spent it yet, since I KNOW I will be needing more stuff... I always do :)
I will take pictures of Eleanor and post them over the weekend... If I can figure out how to do it :)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS this is so exciting! Can't wait for the pictures.

  2. WOO HOO! Congrats on the new Tri bike. I still miss my old 650 wheels! LOVED them. And, congrats signing up with ELF, you'll love it. Jen H. :)

  3. WOW! What a GREAT Mother's Day gift! You will be putting that to some very good use!! ROCK ON!

  4. YAY!!! That is so great - can't wait to see the pics! I love that you talked about picking it up like you were going on your first date - you sort of were!

    So have you propped it up on the trainer and just stared lovingly at it yet?


    Oh, then nevermind. Me neither.

  5. Nice! SO exciting to get a new bike.
