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Friday, May 30, 2008

Fired up

Last night I checked my online workout calendar. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Coach had put my schedule for nexty week up. Why? Because next Saturday is my first Tri of the season! Seeing all the pre/post race preparations and suggestions got me all excited. I felt like a kid in a candy store… I had a big grin on my face.
The race is relatively small, capped at 250 enties (currently they have about 150 people signed up) and a short one at that. Swim: ½ mi. Bike 11.4 mi. Run 3.1 mi.
The swim is a point to point (whatever that means); the bike is a whole bunch of rolling hills (I’ve had plenty of training on those) and the run is supposed to be flat (my legs will be thankful for that). Saying that I am excited about it is an understatement. I can’t hardly wait.
It will be the first race that I attend SOLO… Todd is not coming with me not will I know anyone else racing it. In a way, that takes a whole bunch of pressure off; but on the other hand it leaves me alone with my thoughts.. and sometimes those tend to be not as positive as they should. Hopefully if I practice all the excercises that Coach wants me to practice (visualize the race, have a plan, etc.) I will be able to leave those “bad” thoughts away.
I will let you all know how it goes as soon as I have time to do it (between us, I am hoping I can have the RR ready by Sunday). The only thing that kind of “worries” me is that I have not been able to swim for 2 weeks. Next week I have 2 swims on the schedule and I am crossing my fingers for them to be good ones, so I can build up my confidence in the water.
After being sidelined for a couple of days I embraced this week for all it had. I left my heart at each and every one of my training sessions. Especially on the bike. There is something about getting up at 4.20 am to get on the trainer that makes you want to beat it up… just to teach it a lesson. Ha!
I also finally admited what my long time goals with this sport are. I finally accepted that I am competitive… VERY competitive. It is good sometimes because it makes me want to always better myself, so I can beat other people; and it is bad sometimes because I focus too much on beating other people… It is hard to find the balance between both of them. With some luck, now that I have admitted this I will have an easier time dealing with it.
In a nutshell, I told Coach that I wanted to be “good” at this sport. What do I mean with this?? I want to be better than average. I have my sights set on becoming as good as
Katie, Marit or Ashley.  It will be hard work, but it is definitely my top long term goal.
I am getting all fired up, and can't wait for the fun to begin. The countdown to saturday has started.

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