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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekend Mish mash

I am a little behind on updating the good old blog. I can’t believe it has been over a week already. I have been so busy with work, training and life in general that I have barely had time to relax.  

Training went well this past week. I managed to get all my workouts in, even after a very bad failed attempt at my long run on Monday after work. It was the typical case of “the body complained a little louder than normal, I got scared and I quit”. I had a mini meltdown (lasted about 30 minutes) and then realized that what’s done is done and there is no point on beating myself up about it. Moved on.

The rest of the week I focused on giving the best I had for every single workout. They might not have been my best ones, but the effort was there. Work was insanely busy; as it is yet again month end/quarter end and we are plagued by deadlines. I kept my sanity the best I could, and I think it worked. Someone challenged me to post nothing but positive updates to my Facebook status; that proved to be hard! I guess my mindset is set on the more negative side of things and I decided to work diligently on changing that.  

Over the weekend I had a couple of long workouts to tackle. On the schedule were a long brick for Saturday; and originally a rest day for Sunday, which I decided to use to make up for my failed long run attempt. I was super excited at both: riding outside for the first time, and redeeming myself for that run where I chickened out. I knew the run would be hard the day after the long brick and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to quiet the voices in my head that want to make me stop when it hurts.  

I set off on Saturday at about 8 am with my bike fully equipped for my 3:45 ride. I decided I would ride with my ART doctor, since he just got a bike and was looking for someone to ride with. We met up with the idea of him riding with me the first hour and then splitting so that I could hit the faster intervals I had prescribed. The first hour was easy. I rode at his pace and gave him some tips on shifting and climbing. We went the route that I always use and I was very pleased to find out that the hills that used to leave me breathing hard last summer did not represent that big of a challenge anymore. Score! 

We did the one loop and then according to plan we split. I went back for take number 2 on the loop and that is when I almost got hit 3 times. Not one time, 3 FREAKING TIMES. For the first time I felt unsafe on my bike. People were driving like maniacs, passing me with less than 5 inches clearance between my elbow and their side mirrors; disregarding my signaling turns and passing me as I am attempting to merge to a different lane. I was not being impolite to drivers. I was riding practically on the white line; letting cars go before me if I got stopped at a traffic light in the front of the line. And yet, they decided to be complete jerks. My nerves got to a point where I just wanted off. My legs were fine, my stomach was fine, I was hydrated; I could have finished the time Coach wanted me to ride. I had only 39 minutes to go; and I felt at risk of being run over. I thought it over and decided to call it a day for riding. I got off the bike and went on to do my transition run as planned.  

After I was done I called Coach and vented nice and long. I was severely upset. She assured me the time I had ridden was more than enough for my training and that sometimes these things happen. Moving on.  

Sunday was a jam packed day. I got up early again to go out on my long run. I will just say, it was hard. My legs were pretty tired but I made a point of not worrying about how fast I was going and just running. I ended up covering a nice distance, not my best but it did the trick.  

After lunch Megan had a couple of activities lined up. First an Easter egg hunt hosted by one of the kids in her classroom and then Playhouse Disney live. The Egg hunt was fun; the parents of the hosting child pulled it off very nicely considering this was a public park. Megan had a blast and was able to monkey around in the playground after the Egg hunt was over.  

Off we went to Playhouse Disney live. We had pretty good seats, row 2, about 40 feet from the stage. From the moment we got in, Megan was ON. She played along with every single thing they said, she yelled as loud as she could, danced, jumped up and down. Basically, moved the whole time. Towards the end of the show, the kids are allowed to stand right in front of the stage (not on stage though) and dance along with the characters. Megan was waving at everybody, then all of the sudden one of the characters made eye contact with her and waved right back. Oh my goodness! The expression on her face. She ran back to me as fast as she could and said: “Mommy, Mommy! Darby (character from My friends Tigger and Pooh show) just waved at me; did you see it??” And that right there, her sheer happiness was worth EVERY penny we paid for those seats. It brought tears to my eyes. It was perfect. I just wanted to hug her as hard as I could. 

It was a full weekend. Up next rest week. And I can't wait!


  1. There must have been something in the air on Saturday. I encountered some really crazy drivers too! I have never felt so unsafe on a ride.

  2. I like the positive challenge! That's a good one. Some drivers are just plain jerks and crazy. I think you did the right thing, and had a completely normal reaction. I've come close to being hit and it is NOT a good of the reasons why I would do so many of my rides (when we lived in Pensacola) on the trainer. The only thing that may attack me then is a large cat. ;)

    Keep up the great work with the workouts! You're going to be SO STRONG this year!!!

  3. I hear ya on the drivers. It amazes me that they have to drive oh-so-close to you when they have ANOTHER LANE. But I could go on and on about drivers in general....

    Hope everything is starting off sunshine this week! :)
