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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Now, just admit it... You were glued to your computer pretty much all day saturday watching IM World Champs live. I know I was. Even though the chair I have at the Mac is hard as heck and it is not the best in terms of back support; I didn't seem to be able to care much about that. All I wanted to do is sit there and watch.

Multiple times I wondered that day why I was so addicted to the event; why I kept putting everything else in the back burner for that single afternoon. And then it hit me. It is about overcoming, about conquering, about arriving. About being left to your own resources and pulling through victorious. About facing tough situations and not backing down. About persevering. About setting our mind on a goal, having a dream and doing everything in your power to see it come true. 

I sat and watched those people in awe. The pros, the age groupers, the back of the packers, the disabled (that truth be told, are more able than a lot of people out there, so I think should have a different "name" to them). And it made me think. Not just about triathlon but about life in general. It inspired me to reach deep down and pull my true dreams to the surface. And trust me when I tell you I have some BIG dreams. And they are about everything and anything you could possibly imagine.

As I grow more and more disappointed at my job; one of those dreams is about finding where my true passion lies. Yes, I do love numbers, after all, I did go to school for economics; but I have an equal passion for letters, and for the english language. You might think it is odd since it is not even my birth language; but there is something about the way it sounds, the way it reads that has me completely enthralled. How some people are able to make you see things just by using words; how they are able to create entire worlds that captivate every single fiber of your being; how once you find their work, the work of these amazing writers, it fills you up inside, it makes you feel whole once again. And I want that. I want to be one of them. But excelling at something requires work, and I have a lot of that ahead of me if I want to become what I dream. 

I cannot afford to quit working; and let's face it, with the economy the way it is this days; it wouldn't be on the smart side to try to make a career change on a whim. There is a lot of thinking that needs to be done. A lot of planning. A lot of searching. But the idea is out there. 


  1. We call them "physically challenged" now. Cause they still kick butt :-)

    Your command of the English language is excellent. I wish my Spanish was that good, but not even a step-mom from Honduras was enough to help me. That is something I WILL try again someday.

    I too was glued to the computer until about 7 PM Saturday night. We know.

  2. I didn't realize English wasn't your first language! WOW! Follow your dreams - continue with your current job, but keep searching for what makes you truly happy! That's tough, I know - deciding where your passion lay and then going for it. But you can do it - I believe in you!

  3. Danni!!
    Wow, I didn't realize English was your 2nd language either - amazing! I am always glued to the computer or Tv when the IM is on...very motivating indeed. Triathlon is a GOOD thing is this crazy world! ;)Jen H.

  4. Very eloquently stated. And I am in a similar spot - so many things I want to do and still figuring out how to do it :)

  5. Danni, that sounds so much like me (accept for the doing something with English part...) I'm not yet sure where my passion lies and what I'm suppose to be doing with my life, but here I am working and trying to figure it out! As I've told my brother, it's hard to figure out what you're suppose to do when you are 'good' at a lot of things and don't excel in just one!

  6. I never would have guessed english wasnt your first language. I was glued to the computer every minute I could

  7. What a wonderful post. I, too, struggle with recognizing my dreams and going after what it is I want from my career.

    You can make your dreams come true!
