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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Coping & Inspiration

It has been a couple of hard weeks around these parts. Weeks with some accomplishments and some setbacks.

I finished the first training block for IM; and I managed to get in every training session with the exception of a recovery bike after my long run last sunday. That long run was the hardest one I've had in a long time; mostly because I have been battling some really nasty leg pain on my left leg. I have been coping with it as best as I can; but sunday I'd had enough. My run was so painful that it made me incredibly angry/upset. I had to hobble/walk the majority of it and I felt cheated out of my session.

The pain basically boils down to having really tight muscles on my butt and that is putting pressure on my sciatic nerve and making my leg hurt/tingle. I have started massage therapy and it is better; but still not 100%. I will continue to go as often as I can afford it and I am doing a lot of stretching/rolling at home as well. Hopefully if I work at it diligently I will be able to solve the problem. I'll give it all I have.

Last weekend I was also asked to participate on the swim portion of a relay team on a small sprint tri. One of the coaches from my old tri program asked me if I would relay for one of the women she is coaching now; who was not so comfortable in the water. I did not hesitate to accept. I remember when I was in that same position; being afraid of the OW. The race went well; the woman had an awesome race and so did I. I had my best 1/2 mile OW time... almost 3 minutes faster than last year.

Of course while watching everybody riding and running I wanted to race pretty badly; and I had to keep reminding myself of "the big picture"; what I am trying to accomplish this year and how a short sprint is not exactly the most "beneficial" for me at this point. Next year.

The week was good; I had a nice recovery week and I mostly enjoyed my workouts. And then there was yesterday.

S (the woman I relayed the swim for) asked me if I was still planning on attending the OW practice they held at the local lake. I had told her that even though I was planning on swimming a mile (2 loops) I would swim the first loop with her. You see; she had attempted to swim the one loop by herself and found that when she got to the second buoy panic had set in and her head convinced her she could not do it.

Upon arrival yesterday morning I found S and was very specific about the goals for the day: "I will NOT let you quit. You will swim the entire loop. Doesn't matter how or how fast you go; you will move forward and you will finish." With that statement right there I also assured her that I would stick by her side the entire way and offer reassurance; I would not exactly "help" her swim, but I would be there to comfort and calm any nerves that might arise. From my own experience I knew that once you finish one of these OWS, your self confidence takes a huge boost; and that is what I was after for her.

When the horn went off we waited until everyone had left the beach to start swimming. S set off swimming and I was right behind her. A couple of strokes later she lifted her head and looked for me. I was able to notice the little "scared" feeling and I assured her I was right behind her. She sighed with relief. I moved up to her "breathing side" so that she could see me there each time she took a breath. Slowly but surely we made our way around the loop. At the final buoy; with a mere 150 yds to the finish I told S she would swim to shore by herself so that I could go on to the second loop. She agreed no problem; after all she had come that far and there was no way she was quitting now! I was SO proud of her; still am. Sometimes all that it takes is for someone to show you they believe in you.

Right now I am fresh from watching the coverage of the Irongirl Atlanta. Man! I want to race so much! I was watching the women and got flooded with this feeling of happiness and fun. I love this sport so much! Can't wait for my next race!


  1. It sounds like you have what I've had. Major sciatic pain is so not fun - you can't even sleep well with it. Like you, massage work on my glutes to work out the knots has made a major difference. I can tell you from experience also that the minute you even feel a tingle of a flareup beginning, take ibuprofin and start icing your lower back to head it off before it gets worse. I usually wait too long and then have to deal with a full-blown flareup. Since I started the intense massage work on that area, it's gotten to the point where I rarely have an issue anymore. So sorry you've had to deal with this - it is NOT a fun pain.

  2. You know I've had problems with pain on the run too and I'm right there with you - the thoughts of guilt for not completing the workout, thoughts of not being able to accomplish the goal you set...

    BUT HANG IN THERE!! You are being very smart and getting the treatment you need.

    And what an inspiration you are to others!

    See you soon!

  3. What I like about this post so much is that YOU have the confidence to gently prod someone along this path we are on. Well done, Ironman-in-training :-)

  4. That is great what you did for S.

    I feel your pain. I have the same issue. I have been using my trigger point roller since I cant afford a regular massage and it has been helping
