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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still pregnant...

Yes, I am still pregnant. Yes, I am almost to my due date. No, I am not having twins... People, get a clue and stop asking stupid questions! Don't you see I still have a belly? Don't you realize I am not THAT big that I am not carrying twins?

I am overly hormonal lately. I am done with being pregnant. I am uncomfortable, feel huge, have contractions every day (those contractions that will not come and stay, hence they are not called ACTIVE labor), my legs and hands are swollen, my face is starting to look extremely puffy... I could go on and on. But to sum it up... I am ready for baby to get here, and get started on the next phase of our lives.

So, without further ado, I am sending this child of mine an eviction notice from my belly.

Baby K, come out already! You are officially evicted from the comfort of your mother's insides and our presence is required out in the world ASAP. Please comply promptly.

Thank you,

Your Mother.

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