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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I am ready

The days keeps ticking by and  I am still here; with this big belly of mine. Don't get me wrong; I am very happy that Baby K stayed in this long and has cooked for as long as he did. There was a period in this pregnancy when I was very concerned I was not going to be able to carry to term; but now that he is full term I am ready for him to come out.

I have gotten really out of shape and I can't wait to get started in some kind of a routine. Going back to not feeling like a whale anymore; to finding out how much of this insane weight gain is actually fluid retention and how much I will have to lose. I am ready to see how far from my goal I am and start working towards it.

I feel like I am in this "limbo" state, you know? Where having baby is SO close, but yet, still so far away. And I can't control when he decides to make his appearance. I am trying everything they recommend... Walking, bouncing on the exercise ball; I even ate something spicy (and I HATE spicy food). Yet, still no baby. Every time I feel a contraction I do everything I can to make it last longer with the hopes that it will turn into the "real" thing; and those suckers are uncomfortable!

I am one of those planner type people, and I would LOVE to know when baby is coming. I just feel like my entire life is on hold. Can't really go too far away from home because I might go into labor; I can't really plan any activities to do with Megan in advance because they might be canceled due to Baby's decision to come (and that would NOT be a good start to the brother-sister relationship)... It is just a big unknown and that is killing me.

It is a hard place to be, feeling so ready to take on the next phase of our lives and having to wait, wait, wait. I just hope I do not go nuts in the mean time.

I am ready.

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