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Saturday, January 3, 2009

The first week of '09

Wow, I can't believe I am already done with my first training week for this year. Granted,  I did start early (monday the 29th), so for the finicky people it might not be the entire week; but I will count it as the first training week of '09.

I thought this week was going to kick my butt and leave me seriously sore; but it didn't happen that way. Besides a minor lack of sleep I think I am doing pretty good. I am actually more tired from working than working out. Ha!

Work has been another issue altogether. My co-worker's job was terminated on wednesday due to the merger, so I am now flying solo. We had known her job was coming to an end for a while now, but it was really sad to see it actually happening. It was about a little over a year ago that she first started and I remember not being able to connect with her very well. She was very shy and quiet. A couple of months passed and all of the sudden she told me there was something she needed to tell me: "I am 5 months pregnant".  She had found out about 2 weeks into the new job and she was afraid the boss would get angry. I did suspect it; after all there were some signs like going to the doctor every 4 weeks. But as I said she was very reserved, and I respected it.

After the cat was let out of the box, she opened up immensely, and we had some good times. We made a great team. She would help me out when needed and vice versa. I am going to miss her. Not just because I will have to do the work that 2 people did; but because our office (now only mine) will seem too quiet and not even the loudest music will be able to replace the conversations we had. Talking about our daughters, our significant others, our families. She even let me talk her ear out with all things triathlon! She knew when my big race was in '08 and even sent me a text message (I had told her how long I thought it would take me to finish the race) after I finished to congratulate me for it. I mean, it doesn't get better than that, does it?

So this year has already started with some challenges. Even though I have the same job and the same pay; I am learning the ropes of the "new world" post merger; and trying to make a name for myself. I hate sounding like this; but in times like these times, you can't count on people "having your back"; it seems as if it is the survival of the fittest, so I am left with no other option than to play the game. 

Don't worry, there are good things coming my way too. Some new "toys" that I have ordered that will make my training time much more enjoyable and efficient. Once they arrive and I set them up I will let you all know, and maybe I will even venture into posting a review, a la Wes.

For now, I am going to go and enjoy family time. This weekend it is for sleeping in, relaxing and re-charging batteries for when the staring bell goes off on monday at 5am.

Later dudes!


  1. Enjoy the weekend! Sounds like a great first training week, although a bit sad about your friend. She sounds really great! Happy and safe training - yeah yeah yeah '09!

  2. I don't know how you do it. Really I don't. I can barely keep up with it all and I don't have any children (unless you count the husband).

    You are going to have to give me tips to finding "extra" time.

  3. Hi, I heard about you today, I was snowshoeing with Molly! ;-) Nice blog, now you'll be on my reader list ;-) HA!
