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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where am I at?

I have not updated this in a LONG time. I think we are due for another "check-in" on the 2013 goals. Here we go:

1) Cook more: I am still doing fairly well here. I am not where I want to be, but I am still trying to make progress. We do not eat out as much, but I feel like I can do SO MUCH better.

2) Reduce Work stress: Mission accomplished! I was able to successfully switch positions within the company I work for; and I am loving my new spot. It plays to what I consider be the strong analytic side of my brain. I am a Business Analyst now, for one of the highly used internal systems. My geek side is in action, and I love it!

3) Yell less --> failing miserably. Enough said. :-(

4) Be a better mom and wife. I have made some progress! Even though I still yell, I am trying to put myself on the other person's shoes a lot more.

5) Further education --> not interested this year. I am loving my new work occupation and before I decide to "specialize" on something I want to make sure I LOVE what I will specialize in.

6) Visit my family in Argentina --> Not happening. But.. MY MOM is coming to visit!!! WEEE! She will be in the US for the first time ever and I am Oh so excited! She will stay with us for 3 weeks and she will even be here when my A race for the season happens --> she will see me race, for the first time EVER! July/August will be GREAT months

7) Get stronger: this one has taken a back seat. I still want to get stronger, but I think I will seriously focus on it once Tri season is over.

8) Step out of my comfort zone. I had some partial success at the beginning of the year when I signed up and successfully completed the Goruck challenge. After tri season I will be attempting some other Obstacle course type events. My biggest fear? Heights.

9) Make improvements to my swimming. Just yesterday I was able to break 1:30 on a timed 100! Booyah!

10) Get my power to weight ratio above 3. I am Oh so close! I think last bike test I was at 2.99 or something... ALMOST there.

11) Re-learn how to hurt on the run. Not doing so well. My mind has some serious issues with this. When I run hard, my stomach hurts, once my stomach starts hurting my brain craps out --> chicken me backs off. I NEED TO GET PAST THIS. It is one of those things that make me really mad, but I can't seem to break away from.

12) Share more. The jury is still out on this one. I don't think I have made much progress.

As you can see, the list above is about 50/50 progress/no progress. But I guess 50% is better than no progress at all, right? I have successfully been able to remove myself from the hole I was in  for such a long time; well at least most of me. I think having my mom here and spending some time with her will do me a lot of good. I am so excited to show her around, for her to see my house, the place I work at, where I get my groceries. I know I have said this so many times, but the cultural/society differences are so many, I can't wait for her to see it with her own eyes. I can't wait for her to spend some time with her grand kids and see those relationships flourish. That is one of the hardest things about living so far away; my side of the family does not have the privilege of spending as much time with my littles. Lots of things happening in July/August. I am excited for what's to come!

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