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Sunday, July 5, 2009

The game is ON

I am not quite sure what happened yesterday during and after my bike test. Something inside me changed. Maybe it was the good results I got from the test (which hurt like crazy) or maybe it was Coach's comments about my performance; I am not sure what, but my game mind is ON.

Ironman build starts tomorrow and I am excited to say the least. I looked at this week's schedule and I am picturing in my head which routes I am going to go; which hills I am going to tackle and how successful I will be at completing all of my swim workouts.

Now more than ever I am convinced that my head plays a big role on how I perform my training sessions; and I am very serious about controlling my thoughts and making them work to my advantage.

The game is ON; and I am ready for it.

1 comment:

  1. Good! I will be expecting you to "chick" me at Augusta :-)
